This is me Firas Sameer, the founder of How To Fix Headphones website, I have spent a very long time working on this website on every aspect of it just to make it live to serve people like you 🙂 and solve their issues with their Headphones.
I am basically a computer and telecommunications engineer with over 13 years of professional experience in the field, and in my free part-time I enjoy practicing my freelancing work as a video producer/director and professional post-production editor.

Having all those skills with the technical background of my daily work push me towards helping people, I love helping other people and I am doing that almost every day when someone asks me for help, and since I adore music and listening to music, I have basically several different headphone types that enjoy listening to my favorite music with.
And since I had a problem with one of them and fixed it my self, I decided to build this website to gather all information I know about + my creativity of solving issues + my internet research to add value and solutions to questions and inquiries people are looking for to help them fix those issues themselves.

I hope I covered all the main issues people are having or might face and I hope my resource website could help you fix them by yourself or at least answer questions you had in mind and couldn’t find somewhere else an answer for it.
Last but not least, I am sharing my Linkedin profile to see my long journey working at different international enterprise companies in different engineering fields in Telecommunications and IT.